
Leith Valley supports


Rock Solid – https://www.rocksoliddunedin.co.nz/ – With leaders and financially through individuals

Food For the Soul – Is our own Foodbank-type service reaching out to those in our local community. We pay for this as a church and staff it with volunteers

PSO – https://psotago.org.nz/ – With gifts and by partnering with them in various initiatives. 

Mainly Music – https://mainlymusic.org.nz/ – We fund the running of our program and staff it with volunteers

A Rocha – https://arocha.org.nz/ – We are a signed up member as an Eco church – https://www.ecochurch.org.nz/ – and individuals support financially

Studentsoul – https://studentsoul.org.nz/ – our student ministry which we support through volunteers and through financial support as a church

Red Frogs – https://redfrogs.co.nz/ – We support through volunteers and donation of food items

SIM – https://www.sim.org/home – We support the organisation, including missionaries who worked for many years in Malawi

Scripture Union – https://www.sunz.org.nz/ – We support through individuals and by providing volunteers for their camps. 


Interserve Te Riu Whakaoreore – https://interserve.org.nz/ – We support various Interserve Mission Partners

Myanmar – We support through the PCANZ Global Missions Ministry and have a personal relationship with people in Myanmar

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