Our values are to be child focused, safe, have creative bible teaching, care for the children and to have fun. The Leith Valley ‘Kidztime’ programme runs during the Sunday 10 am service. Children are welcomed into church and after a short time go out to their programmes:
5-11 year old children (ie primary school age) meet together for a while then go to their own groups, depending on their Year at school – Year 1-2 together, 3-4 and 5-6.
Sparklers: Children aged 0-5 meet for their own programme with stories, music, playtime, morning tea.
There is also a designated play area in the auditorium for children during the service

mainly music
Wednesdays 10am during school terms, at Leith Valley Church:
267 Malvern St, Leith Valley, Dunedin
Music and movement for preschoolers and their caregivers. From the mainly music website:
“Babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and parents will be treated to music and story, activity and interaction, structured and unstructured fun. Each session is designed for delight as you participate together. You’ll experience a rich learning environment.”
If you would like more information please use the form below